night in rainbow amor
the sky is as yellow, lover
as it was the evening before that night
when our limbs around each other
above the silver stars we went for a flight
as we danced forever in embrace
unaware of the world, its blues
the yellows turned to greys
we didn't notice the change in hues
the night was dark but in your eyes,
(which, by the way, were locked in my sight)
i was lost (which is no surprise)
'coz they were darker and deeper than the night
your pink fingers danced on my bare chest
wreaking havoc in my green heart
while u slept, i lay with unrest
fearing the morning when we shall part
then in our dream, we went to a lake
and in it we threw the black stones of the past
the moon was singing for our sake
and we wished the red dream would last
i announced the orange daybreak, kiss
and across your face in the twilight
i watched the faint smile crawl, bliss
then the day came, all was white